7th November 2024

We are happy to announce that Members have access to the latest NEUPC Audio Visual: System Design/Consultancy, Supplies, Installation and Maintenance Framework.

A full User Guide is available at HE Contracts.

This framework is open to all members of NEUPC, LUPC, SUPC and HEPCW.

Scope of framework:

The agreement covers the procurement of Audio Visual Equipment and Services: System Design/Consultancy, Supplies, Installation and Maintenance and is split into 3 Lots:

Lot 1 and Lot 2:

The Scope is for any one or combination of the Design, Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Audio Visual Systems.

Goods, including but not limited to:

a)         Amplifiers

b)         Assistive Listening

c)         Audio Distribution, Processing, switching, and scaling

d)         AV Cabinetry

e)         AV Lecterns

f)         AV Mounting bracketry

g)         AV Software

h)         Cables/Connectors/ consumables

i)          Collaborative meeting and learning

j)          Control Products

k)         Digital Signage

l)          Induction loop

m)       Installation cabling

n)         Interactive Presentation

o)         Large size Video Display

p)         Lecture Capture

q)         Lighting Systems

r)         Loudspeakers

s)         Microphones

t)         Mixers & Consoles

u)         PA / VA Systems

v)         *PC’s desktop

w)        *PC’s laptop / notebook

x)         *PC’s surface

y)         *PC’s tablet

z)         Projection screens – electronic

aa)      Projection screens – manual

bb)      Projector lamps

cc)       Projectors/Projection Products

dd)      Racks, Rack mounts & Brackets

ee)      Recording and editing equipment

ff)        Video Distribution, Processing, switching, and scaling

gg)       Visualisers

hh)      Wall/surface mount input plates (e.g. 1gang HDMI input)

*note: items v) to y) inclusive, when bought as a standalone product, should be sourced from the LUPC awarded NDNA framework

Services, including but not limited to:

a)         Project Management

b)         Account management

c)         Systems Design

d)         Systems Integration

e)         Off-site rack build and system test

f)         System programming

g)         Carriage to site

h)         Installation services

i)          Snagging and hand over

j)          Training

k)         Warranty support

l)          Planned preventative maintenance

m)       Reactive maintenance

n)         Benchmarking and continual improvement

Lot 3:

The Scope is for independent Consultancy Services for Audio Visual Systems, including but not limited to:

a)         Systems scoping / design

b)         Process, procedural, and practices design

c)         Project management

d)            Benchmarking and continual improvement

Key benefits:

Suppliers to the framework:

Further information on this agreement including supplier contact details can be found in the detailed User Guide which is available on HE Contracts.

For further questions or enquiries contact