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Date Time Location
26th May 2022 10:30 - 12:00 Online


For members who have already registered for the event, you will receive an email from NAG to notify you of the postponement.  We apologise for any inconvenience caused and we will notify members of the new date when we are able to set it.



Event Details

Library teams, like all universities departments, are trying to deliver the best quality service with limited resources.  Sector spend, however, is considerable with almost £120 million being spent via the SUPC-managed library agreements alone in 2019-20. This spend needs to happen responsibly and one way for library teams to achieve better value is to work effectively with their procurement colleagues.

Some libraries work closely and harmoniously with procurement colleagues but others see procurement as a box to check rather than an opportunity to achieve best value. In some smaller institutions, there may be little or zero procurement support available at all.

This webinar is being run in association with the National Acquisitions Group (NAG), a not-for-profit library organization that SUPC partnered with to develop a couple of areas of our specification. This webinar assumes no particular prior knowledge and will introduce some procurement fundamentals to help librarians work effectively with procurement colleagues or, if operating without support, remain on the right side of regulations and best practice.

The webinar will cover:
  • Procurement teams and what they can do for you
  • Public Contracts Regulations 2015 in a nutshell – and why you should care
  • How Framework Agreements lighten the load
  • Explaining complex products such as e-book licences
  • Useful resources

While aimed mainly at Content/Acquisitions/Subscriptions Librarians, all are welcome and plenty of time will be allowed for discussion and questions.

Our Speaker:

Gavin Phillips is the Category Manager for Academic Services at SUPC. The category covers areas of spend that are more directly focused on students such as wellbeing, graduation services, and of course library resources. He manages the Framework Agreements used by English and Welsh consortia for the purchase of books/e-books/e-textbooks and periodicals. In 2020-21 these two agreements represented over £118 million of spend.

Prior to joining SUPC, Gavin spent over 20 years in public and academic libraries. Most of this time was spent at Imperial College London, initially in the subject teams before moving on to metadata and then acquisitions. Increasing involvement with SUPC as a library representative revealed the potential for procurement to support and drive positive change and he joined the SUPC team in January of 2020.


For assistance, please contact Grace Parsons - Events and Marketing Officer.