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11th July 2024 10:00 - 11:00 Online

The next webinar in our UKUPC Procurement Act series covers Balancing direct award and transparency under the Procurement Act.

Join Stephanie Rickard, Partner at VWV, as she:

  • Discusses the HE context for sourcing directly;
  • Considers when a direct award can be made, including the new grounds for direct award;
  • Highlights the new transparency obligations and requirements for standstill;
  • Explains the impact of the changes on building a business case to justify the use of the route, the timescales for procurement and risks of challenge and how to balance the competing interests.

Register here

This event is open to all members of UKUPC, with particular relevance to HEPCW, LUPC, NEUPC, NWUPC, SUPC, TEC and TUCO members.

Please contact Suzanne Picken if you have any questions.

Joining instructions will be sent to you no later than 24 hours before the webinar.