Date |
14th January 2021 |
In December, the Cabinet Office published their Green Paper: Transforming Public Procurement, along with a full list of consultation questions, both which you can access here.
In conjunction with our UK Universities Purchasing Consortia (UKUPC) partners, SUPC will be looking for input from our members to feed into a coordinated UKUPC-wide response. If you have any initial feedback, please feel free to email us at SUPC or feedback directly to the Cabinet Office. We will distribute a survey in January seeking more formalised views on the paper’s content and will cover this topic at our upcoming SUPC Heads of Procurement Coffee Morning (21 January, 10:30 – 11:30).
Book Now – Consultation Sessions
Contracting Authority Sessions
Following the publication of the paper, the Cabinet Office has released a series of consultation sessions to explore the proposals. The first session is set to take place on the 18 January with further sessions to run through until 8 March. Find out more and book here >>
Supplier Sessions
There is also a second series of sessions for suppliers which can be accessed here >>