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23rd July 2021 Member Update

National Procurement Policy Statement – Cabinet Office Recording

The Cabinet Office recently delivered an excellent webinar outlining the background and implications of the National Procurement Policy Statement.  The session was recorded and is available now for you to view, and share with colleagues.

Cabinet Office Survey- New Procurement Regime

The Green Paper “Transforming Public Procurement” set out a package of proposals to overhaul the rules that govern spending by public sector bodies. The Cabinet Office is analysing the responses to the recent consultation and preparing legislation that will be brought forward in the next few months.

To support the implementation, and instil confidence in the new regime, a learning and development programme is being developed. The Cabinet Office is seeking the input of procurement stakeholders from across the public sector via a short survey.  Please direct any questions to

Cabinet Office publishes Public Procurement Note (PPN) 07/21

Procurement Policy Note 07/21: Update to Legal and Policy requirements to publish procurement information on Contracts Finder.
The Cabinet Office has released a new Procurement Policy Note (PPN) which provides guidance to remind public bodies of the requirements of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 to publish information about opportunities and awards over certain low-value thresholds on Contracts Finder