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8th December 2021 Member Update

We are pleased to provide the next edition of the UKUPC newsletter to update you on our latest activity.

Many of you will know that SUPC works in collaboration with our fellow purchasing consortia to deliver greater value to members by coordinating activity, building resilience across the sector and reducing unnecessary duplication of effort. UK Universities Purchasing Consortium (UKUPC), comprised of the regional purchasing consortia (APUC, HEPCW, LUPC, NEUPC, NWUPC, SUPC), The Energy Consortium and The University Caterers Organisation, continues to work together to deliver more benefits and greater value to you – our members.

This issue includes advice, guidance and information on the following topics:

  • Supply chain shortages
  • Energy prices
  • COP26
  • Value-for-money frameworks
  • Responsible Procurement
  • Improving your information systems
  • Upcoming events and training

We hope you find the newsletter informative and don’t forget you can visit the UKUPC website for the latest news and resources.