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17th March 2022 Member Update


As advised in our most recent Market Insight Document communication, UKUPC recently met to share our collective knowledge on supply chain impacts coming from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

We know that some members are already receiving freedom of information requests on the topic so we hope what is detailed below will be helpful.

We have now checked the full address for every one of UKUPC’s framework suppliers and confirm none are registered in Russia or Ukraine.  We recognise there may be links further down the supply chain, and we will continue to seek information on that.   

We have checked the commodities most frequently supplied by Russia and know that energy is the biggest affected category. The Energy Consortium (TEC), have offered their advice to anyone who has concerns if their supply agreements are with Gazprom and whether they can exit them.  Please contact Steve Creighton for further information.


The advice regarding tendering is:

  • It is likely not legal to exclude Russian bidders for tenders at this time (albeit it is unlikely that any such bids would be submitted), nor terminate contracts for supply without due cause. 
  • Sanctioned suppliers may be able to be excluded, however it is advised to seek legal advice on this matter.


Lastly, there is a lot of excellent information available on this topic online which may be useful to you and would not be sensible for us to duplicate.  Two particularly good sources are:

Should you have any specific queries or anything you would like us to share with fellow members, please contact SUPC Head of Procurement Services Rob Johnson.