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Why become a member of SUPC? Let our members tell you!

We help over 100 UK universities, colleges and educational charities to deliver value to their students, staff and wider communities through effective procurement. In 2021-22, our members spent £467.2M through agreements and saved £70.9m. These are the benefits that SUPC members say they value most from their membership.

  • SUPC acts to safeguard competitive prices and value for money through frameworks because our suppliers can sell large volumes of their products and services to universities and colleges
  •  Saving you valuable time because we have already vetted suppliers through the tender process
  •  Offering access to over 130 professionally managed contracts covering the products and services you need to buy
  •  Giving you choice with access to a large supplier base of both large industry leaders and specialist SMEs
  • Sharing best practice with a network of peers: members have access to a wide range of value-added benefits such as free events*, participation in knowledge networks and access to advice and guidance from our team.
  • Tailored support, analysis and insight for your institution from our business intelligence experts*
  • Guaranteed compliance from our suppliers
  • Keeping you up to date with the latest information on frameworks, events and sector changes
  • Arrangements with other organisations, like Consortium Procurement and Pagabo, who provide their own frameworks covering areas in addition to those available from SUPC.
  • Access to a range of value-added services at discounted rates to support your procurement team including:
  •  And finally, by using our agreements, members generated over £1.4m in framework levy last year, and this is returned directly back to members.  Over the past year, a significant number of SUPC members covered the cost of their annual SUPC membership through returned framework levy.

* These services are only available to our Full and Associate Members. 

Affiliate members

Schools, institutes, multi-academy trusts and other charitable and non-charitable organisations can access our agreements through Affiliate Membership. Find out more about affiliate membership here.